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Save up to 42% on your Cowboy bike and accessories with Cyclescheme

Big savings and no money up front

Cyclescheme is an employee benefit offering you savings between 21% and 42% off your new Cowboy and accessories. You pay nothing up front and the payments are taken directly from your gross salary by your employer.

With many employers offering no upper limit on the certificate value, Cyclescheme is the perfect way to build your dream Cowboy package and save money.

Cyclescheme calculatorCalculate your savings

Find out how much you could save on your new ride with the Cyclescheme calculator.

Find out how to get started below ↓

CycleschemeHow to get started

  1. Get a quote

    Get a personalised quote for the Cowboy bike and accessories you'd like to order.

  2. Get your Cyclescheme certificate

    Use your Cowboy quote to get your Cyclescheme Certificate. Go to Cyclescheme.

  3. Shop and checkout

    When you're ready to purchase your bike, head over to our cart builder where you'll be able to enter your Cyclescheme certificate number and process your order.

  4. Get your Cowboy

    Your bike will be delivered to your door.